Frequently Asked Questions

What hotels are recommended? Are any hotel discounts available?

We recommend two hotels close to the Stanford campus, the Sheraton Palo Alto and the WestInn Palo Alto. For a discounted rate for the Sheraton, please email Grace Wang ( or call her at (650) 328-2800. The sooner this is done the better, since there is limited space.

Is an advisor required to be on campus during the duration of the conference?

Per the policy of Stanford University at least one advisor is required per delegation. All advisors must be 18 or older by the start of the conference. The advisor does not have to be the club advisor and may be a parent chaperone, as long as they are willing to take liability & responsibility for the entire delegation throughout the conference. Advisors are required to be on campus for the entire duration of the conference. There will be no exceptions allowed. We will be holding advisor meetings during committee sessions that are required and attendance will be taken.

What is SMUNC’s COVID-19 policy?

Vaccines will not be required for this year's conference, but we continue to strongly recommend vaccines. All delegates will be required to test negative for COVID-19 24 hours prior to the start of the conference.

Can I participate in SMUNC virtually?

SMUNC will take place completely in-person on Stanford’s campus.